Amazon Prime Day Boosted by Promotion From Taylor Swift, Other Celebs is tapping high-profile actors, athletes and social-media sensations like never before to maintain buzz around its Prime Day summer sale, now in its fifth year and battling increasing competition from rivals.
Amazon Poised to Unleash Purge of Small Suppliers, Sources Say
Two months ago, Amazon halted orders from thousands of suppliers with no explanation. Panic ensued — until the orders quietly resumed weeks later, with Amazon suggesting the pause was part of a campaign to weed out counterfeit products.
Amazon One-Day Shipping Lifts Startups Serving Retailer’s Competition
Amazon's pledge last month to pump $800 million into making next-day delivery the new standard upped the pressure on its brick-and-mortar rivals to spend more trying to catch up all over again.
Fighting Fakes Was a Big Reason Behind Amazon’s Big Vendor Purge on March 9 hinted that fighting counterfeits was a reason for its sudden and unexplained purge of thousands of vendors that sowed panic among longtime suppliers.
Amazon Purges Suppliers in Push to Boost E-Commerce Profits abruptly stopped buying products over the past two weeks from many of its wholesale vendors, encouraging them to instead sell their products directly to consumers on Amazon’s marketplace.
Grocery Delivery Helps Costco Edge Amazon in Consumer Satisfaction Survey
Costco Wholesale Corp. may be a latecomer to e-commerce, but consumers love it even more than, according to a customer satisfaction survey released Feb. 26.
Amazon Sales, Profit Top Estimates as Retail, Advertising Soar Inc.’s sales and earnings in the busy holiday quarter beat analysts’ estimates, showing the world’s biggest web retailer can maintain rapid growth while improving profitability and fending off online competition from rivals such as Walmart Inc.
Blockbuster Cyber Monday May Not Be Enough to Boost Market
Shoppers will spend an estimated $7.8 billion on Cyber Monday, Nov. 26 — a record — boosting a strong holiday shopping season, and Wall Street likely will shrug it off.
Amazon Selects Washington, New York Metro Areas for Coveted ‘HQ2’ Sites Inc. will build new offices in New York City and Arlington, Va., ending months of jockeying between potential locations across the country vying for a $5 billion investment that promises 50,000 high-paying jobs over almost two decades.
As Transportation Costs Mount, Amazon Is Squeezing Suppliers to Curb Losses in Price Wars Inc., locked in a margin-crushing price war, is offloading costs onto suppliers and limiting the number of single, low-priced items shoppers can purchase in an effort to offset rising shipping costs.